Bringing Live Theatre to Chanute since 1978

Get Involved

It takes many people to create a live show at CCT. There are just as may people working off the stage as are on it.


Producer – Responsible for recruiting crew chiefs for all jobs, overseeing the budget and expenditures, general support to the director in all areas needed, Plans the show cast party and purchases all food and items provided by CCT for the cast party.shutterstock_22666822

Director – Selects the show with the CCT board approval. Runs auditions and casts the show with help of any other directors involved in the show, The ultimate decision in all areas lies with the director, Runs all rehearsals and conveys their “vision” of the show and how it will be presented to everyone involved, They will present and work closely with all crew chiefs in all areas of the show, including costuming, set, lighting, sound, music, props, publicity, etc.


It is suggested that before an individual assumes the responsibility of Director, they would first be an Assistant Director with an experienced CCT Director. If this situation is not a possibility it is suggested that a new Director should direct their first production with an experienced CCT Director in the position of Assistant Director. The ideal path to solo directing would be to assistant direct, followed by directing with a previous solo director as assistant director, followed by solo directing.


Assistant Director – Assists the director in all of the above duties, They may be required to run rehearsals if the director has a conflict during the schedule, This is a recommended job if you think you might consider directing sometime in the future.


Publicity – Responsible for advertising for auditions and the production itself on both the radio and in the paper, responsible for getting posters printed and distributed, May include other forms of advertising such as table fliers, or other innovative ways to publicize the show,


Set – Crew Chief and Crew: Crew Chief is responsible for recruiting their crew to build all set pieces and other items requiring construction needed in the show. The chief and the crew will do construction, painting, electrical work and any other construction needs in the show, There is generally a “set building” day where all cast members and other volunteers are encouraged to come help build or paint,


Lights – Responsible for setting all lighting for the show, Will run the lights during the final 2 weeks of rehearsal and during the show, May need to recruit people to run spot lights, If the show is at the Memorial Auditorium, they must be trained and certified on the light board,


Sound – Responsible for setup of all sound equipment, including floor mics, choir mics, handheld mics and body mics. Will run the sound board and handout mics during the final 2 weeks of rehearsal and during the show. If the show is at the Memorial Auditorium, they must be trained and certified on the sound board.


Costumes – Crew Chief and Crew: Crew Chief is responsible for all costuming for all members of the cast. Most shows require multiple costume changes for the actors. The crew chief and the crew will need to fit and pull what costumes can be pulled from the CCT costume rooms, sew what costumes need to be sewn, borrow costumes where needed and if costuming requires and budget allows, rent costumes that cannot be obtained in any other means. They will be required to be available for dress rehearsals, which is the final week of the show. They need to be available prior to the performances to make sure everyone is costumed and make any repairs, iron or anything needed to ensure the actors are ready for performance. Sometimes dressers are needed during the show to help actors with quick costume changes. After the show is done all costumes must be washed and or dry cleaned and returned.


Props – Responsible to find all props required on the prop list. Generally there will need to be prop people available during the final 2 weeks of rehearsals and the show to make sure all props are in their place and available when required to be used on stage and to ensure the actors return their props to their appropriate places after they have been used on stage.


Stage Manager and Running Crew – The stage manager is in charge of the show during performances. The director turns the show over to the stage manager and they are responsible for ensuring that all actors are called when it is time to go on stage and that they are in place when and where needed. They and their crew are also responsible for changing of all set pieces and flying in and out of any drops or curtains between scenes and acts.


Music/Orchestra Director and Musicians – Musical productions will generally have both an orchestra director and a pianist. The orchestra director is responsible for recruiting all musicians needed to provide the music for the show. They will be required to find their rehearsal space and ensure that all musical instruments needed are found. They will work very closely with the director to ensure the “vision” of the show is accomplished together. During the final 1-112 weeks of rehearsal, the orchestra will rehearse with the actors to bring the entire production together. The orchestra director will also work with the actors to ensure all singers hit the cues in the music. The pianist will not only rehearse with the orchestra, they will be at the regular rehearsals to practice with the actors. Some shows will have only the pianist or the pianist and a small combo. Generally the pianist will be in charge in securing members to fill the combo.


Choreographer – Responsible for the choreography on all dances in the show and for “general” movement done with musical numbers, will work closely with the director to ensure that the choreography suits the show and is able to be performed by the actors while singing.


Make-up & Hair – Responsible for securing all makeup and sundry items needed to apply and remove makeup, responsible for styling all hair for the show. Will work with director to ensure that makeup and hair is correct for the time frame of the show and looks natural or “unnatural” as the show requires.


House Manager – Responsible for getting all information that is printed in the programs and having the programs printed. Responsible for purchasing tickets for all shows with advance ticket sales, responsible for finding people to sell tickets at the playhouse on shows with advance ticket sales. Responsible for opening the box office every night of the show and securing ushers for the show.